64th Session of the Working Group IV, UNCITRAL

31 October – 4 November

Prof. Avv. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part as President in the Session of Working Group IV on Electronic Commerce of UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission On International Trade Law) which will take place from 31 October to 4 November, in Vienna. She will chair the Session dealing with the use of Artificial Intelligence and automation in contracting. It is expected that the Working Group will exchange views on these two topics and focus on the compilation and revision of the provisions of the applicable UNCITRAL texts.

Intelligenza artificiale e medicina: privacy e profili di responsabilità civile – Seminar

27 October 2022, 2:30 – 5:30 PM

Prof. Avv. Giusella Finocchiaro will join the “Presentation of the Artificial Intelligence Commission and the Lawyer 2.0 Training Plan” event organised by the Turin Bar Council. The Professor will take part in the seminar dedicated to “Artificial Intelligence and Medicine: Privacy and Civil Liability Profiles”, during which she will delve into the topic of “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Privacy”. The seminar will be introduced by Avv. Germana Bertoli and moderated by Avv. Elena Macerelli and Avv. Micaela Bertolino.

Future Data Driven Banking: dai dati al metaverso – Seminar

27 October 2022, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the Seminar “Future Data Driven Banking: from data to the metaverse” organised by the Italian Banking Association (ABI). The Professor will speak at the opening panel, “The value of data between geopolitical crisis, evolution of the regulatory framework and the market”, coordinated by Dr Massimo Cerofolini, journalist, and will examine the evolution of the regulatory framework of reference together with Dr Gabriele Mazzini, Team Leader on the Artificial Intelligence Act, and Dr Salvatore Scalzo, Policy and Legal Officer at the European Commission.

La strategia europea sull’identità digitale: la revisione eIDAS e il Digital Identity Wallet – Workshop

26 October 2022, 9:30 AM – 12.30 PM

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will speak at the Workshop on “The European Strategy on Digital Identity: the eIDAS Revision and the Digital Identity Wallet” organised by the Digital Identity Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano. The professor will take part in the panel dedicated to the in-depth examination of “Regulatory news on electronic identification” and, together with lawyer Matilde Ratti, will analyze the regulatory evolution in the field of digital identity.

UNCITRAL – Digital Economy: Legal Recognition of Electronic Identification and Applications of Artificial Intelligence

20-21 October 2022

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the event titled “Digital Economy: Legal Recognition of Electronic Identification and Applications of Artificial Intelligence” organised by UNCITRAL in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, to be hosted by Jinan University in Guangzhou. The Professor will speak on two panels entitled ‘Model law on Identity Management and Trust Services’ and ‘Algorithmic Liability in the Digital Economy’ respectively. She will talk about the model law approved in July and the new proposals on which Working Group IV, of which Prof. Finocchiaro is President, is working intensively.

Lecture – Le basi giuridiche. Valorizzare i dati senza incorrere in violazioni: marketing e altro

19 October 2022, 2:15 – 4:15 PM

Prof. Avv. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the Data Protection Officer (DPO) Course organised by SDA, School of Management, Bocconi University. The Professor will give a speech entitled "The legal bases. Valuing data without incurring violations: marketing and other" in which she will focus on the main aspects concerning data processing in the new panorama of data valorisation and sharing, with particular reference to the legal bases and their use.