Etica, Privacy e Intelligenza Artificiale nelle città di domani – Conference

6 October 2023, 10:30 AM -12:30 PM
On October 6th, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the event "Etica, Privacy e Intelligenza Artificiale nelle città di domani", a Milan Digital Week panel aimed at discussiong the importance of regulating AI considering ethic, privacy and data protection. Chaired by Avv. Anna Cataleta, Senior Partner at P4I-Digital360, and Avv. Sergio Fumagalli, Senior Partner and ESG Advisory Leader at P4I-Digital360, the event will focus on the principles to guarantee a responsible use of AI and to prevent discrimination and prejudice.

Co-create the future: l’evoluzione dell’ecosistema healthcare – Conference

5 October 2023, 2:00-5:00 PM
On October 5th, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will partecipate in the event "Co-create the future: l'evoluzione dell'ecosistema healthcare",organized by Consorzio Dafne, the healthcare community for the governance and the development of a digital and sustainable ecosystem. Professor Finocchiaro will discuss the legal issues of the processing of personal data for research purposes, proposing new regulatory solutions for the re-use of health data.

9° ASSO DPO Congress

25-26 September 2023
Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the ninth ASSO DPO Congress, organized from the Associazione Data Protection Officer and scheduled for September 25-26. The Professor will join the panel "Privacy vs data monetization", together with Cynthia O'Donoghue, ReedSmith’s partner, and with Massimiliano Pappalardo as moderator, from the scientific committee of ASSO DPO.

Destinazione metaverso? Realtà aumentata, vita ibrida e approcci regolatori – Seminar

19 September 2023, 6:30 PM
On 19 September, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the Tech Seminar "Destinazione metaverso? Realtà aumentata, vita ibrida e approcci regolatori", organized from the Italian Academy of the Internet Code (IAIC).
The Professor will take part in the Seminar as founding partner of IAIC, together with Oreste Pollicino, Valeria Falce, Alberto Gambino, Giorgio Resta e Salvatore Sica.

Utilità sociale e autonomia privata per lo sviluppo del Paese – Conference

26 July 2023, 4:30 – 6:00 PM

On 26 July, Prof. Avv. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in “Social Utility and Private Autonomy for the Country’s Development”, to be held in Rome on Wednesday 26 July 2023 at 4:30 p.m. at the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti headquarters. The conference will be an opportunity to present Professor Nuzzo's book “Autonomia Contrattuale” and recall his contribution to the academic debate. The Professor will discuss the book together with Prof. Luisa Torchia, Full Professor, University of Roma Tre, and Dr. Marco Giovannini, Entrepreneur.

Regulatory models and principles to handle and rule Artificial Intelligence in the European and Asia-Pacific Area

13 July 2023, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

On 13 July, Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the Workshop "Regulatory models and principles to handle and rule Artificial Intelligence in the European and Asia-Pacific Area", organised by the LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University. The Professor will chair the panel devoted to "Principles and Rules" of Artificial Intelligence, during which Dr. Alfredo Belisario, Notary Public, Prof. Inmaculada Herbosa Martínez, Deusto University of Bilbao, Prof. David Fernández de Retana Gorostizagoiza, Deusto University of Bilbao Socio Area Procesal, Lawyer Leopoldo López Máñez, Honorary Consul of Chile, and Lawyer Anselmo María Martínez Cañellas, University of the Balearic Islands.