Fintech Talks: la rivoluzione è AI – Conference
10 November 2023, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
The banking and financial sectors are deeply involved in the transformation caused by AI, which sets numerous challenges, also for the legal system. Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the panel on AI and regulation of the Huffpost event on digital finance "Finctech Talks: la rivoluzione è AI", which will be held on November 10, at the Politecnico di Milano.
La trasformazione digitale del sistema tributario e le prospettive di riforma della legge delega – Conference
24-25 October 2023
The digital transformation has a major impact on the legal system. Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will discuss this issue in her introductory speech to the conference "La trasformazione digitale del sistema tributario e le prospettive di riforma della legge delega", organized by Università G. D’Annunzio Chieti – Pescara.
AI and media: a new Committee is established at the Department for Information and Publishing
AI and media have already been involved in many litigations, e.g. the case of New York Times and other newspapers against OpenAI. And many others are the critical issues in the media sector. The Italian "Dipartimento per l'informazione e l'editoria" set up a new Committee to study the impact of AI on the publishing sector and information. Chaired by Giuliano Amato, the Committee has among its members also Professor Giusella Finocchiaro. The Committee will start its works on October 24th, hearing the main stakeholders of the field. Its first goal is to draft a report for the Italian Government.
UNCITRAL Working Group on Electronic Commerce: 66th session
16 October 2023
On October 16th, the 66th session of the Working Group IV on Electronic Commerce of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) will begin. The session is chaired by Professor Giusella Finocchiaro, Chairwoman of the Working Group. The Working Group will discuss the following issues of artificial intelligence, automation in contracting and data provision contracts.
IA generativa: l’era del prompt – Conference
11 October 2:30-5:30 PM
On October 11th, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will partecipate in the event "IA generativa: l'era del prompt", organized by the Osservatorio TuttiMedia. Taking the cue from McLuhan's observation on the man of XXI century who runs down the street shouting "We have all the answers! What are the questions?", the eminent speakers will discuss what kind of questions teachers, doctors, consultants, advertising and publishing professionals should ask.
La regolazione della produzione e dell’impiego di A.I.: la proposta di Regolamento per un un Artificial Intelligence Act e i rapporti con il Digital Services Act e il Digital Markets Act- Seminar
10 October 2023, 3:00-5:00 PM
On October 10th, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will partecipate in the second seminar of the series "Intelligenza artificiale e diritto", organized in partnership with the University of Bologna Law School and now in its fourth edition. With the coordination of Professor Ugo Ruffolo, holder of the course, the eminent speakers will discuss the issue of the regulation of artificial intelligence, focusing on the proposal for a Regulation on artificial intelligence, the AI Act, and its correlations with the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act.