Gli Stati Generali del Diritto di Internet e dell’IA – Conference

14 December 2023, 09:20-12:00 AM
AI: what rules? Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will address the issue on 14 December, during the Stati Generali del Diritto di Internet e dell'IA, three days of important panels on Internet Law and AI Law, organized by LUISS University, under the patronage of the Data Protection Authority and the coordination by Professor Giuseppe Cassano and Professor Francesco di Ciommo. The attendees will receive a certificate of attendance and 20 credits for lawyers, two of which in Deontology.

Da Internet all’Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa. Nostalgia di Futuro 2023 – Awards Cerimony

13 December 2023, 3:00-5:00 PM
From Internet to generative AI. Technologies change and so do their impact on the publishing sector. On December 13, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the 2023 edition of "Nostalgia di Futuro", the event that, with eminent speakers, aims at address these issues.

Intelligenza Artificiale, verso la Strategia italiana. L’impatto dell’AI Act sul nostro Paese tra investimenti e regolamentazione. Roundtable I-Com

12 December 2023, 5:00-7:15 PM
What is the Italian strategy for AI? What impact the AI Act will produce in the Country? On 12 December, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the roundtable organized by I-Com and focused on these issues, in the event " "Intelligenza Artificiale, verso la Strategia italiana. L’impatto dell’AI Act sul nostro Paese tra investimenti e regolamentazione".

AI Act: etica, diritto e informatica a confronto – Conference

11 December 2023, 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Following 3-day ‘marathon’ talks, the European co-legislators have reached a provisional agreement on the AI Act. Professor Giusella Finocchiaro, together with Professor Oreste Pollicino, will discuss the issue in a global perspective this afternoon, during the third panel of the conference "AI Act: etica, diritto e informatica a confronto", an important day of discussion, with the scientific coordination by the Società Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale (SIpEIA) Fondazione FAIR: Future Artificial Intelligence Research and the organizational coordination by Professor Giovanni Sartor, Dott. Federico Galli and Dott.ssa Paola Aurici.

Convegno annuale dell’Associazione Civilisti Italiani – Conference

2 December 2023
Among the issues raised by the transformation of private law is that of the interaction between the general figure of the obligation and the processing of personal data. Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will address the topic on 2 December, at the Italian Civil Lawyers Associaton Annual Conference. Organized by the Italian Civil Lawyers Associaton, the University of Ferrara and its Law School, the Conference aims to ideally collect the witness left by Professor Giorgio Cian and offer answers to key questions: what are, today, the meaning and usefulness of the general figure of the obligation? What are the exact boundaries of this controversial and fundamental notion? Does it still make sense to focus the regulation of private property relations on the general discipline of the obligation?

Stati Generali della Ripartenza – Conference

24-25 November 2023
Innovation of the Italian business system is an important component of the discourse on Italy's relaunch. Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will address the issue during one of the panels of the Stati Generali della Ripartenza, two days organized by the Osservatorio economico e sociale Riparte l’Italia in which institutions, businesses and society will meet to offer useful tools for Italy's restart.