Women Economic Forum
20 November 2024
Cybersecurity, the focus of much European legislation, is also a cultural issue. Professor Finocchiaro will address security culture and European legislation at the Women Economic Forum 2024, the international Women Economic Forum event designed to foster women's empowerment through discussion of topics of collective interest.
“L’AI in sanità: responsabilità, obblighi informativi e dati sanitari” – Seminar
5 November 2024
AI systems for healthcare, although intuitively risky, are increasingly proving to be of great importance. There are still many open legal questions. Among these, the issues of liability and the valorisation of personal data stand out as particularly important. Professor Finocchiaro will address these issues during the seminar on AI in healthcare, the sixth meeting of the seminar cycle of the University of Bologna’s School of Law and School of Legal Studies, "Artificial Intelligence and Law”.
“Corso di aggiornamento sulle malattie neuropediatriche rare”. Course – Fondazione Mariani
25 October 2024
Rare neuropediatric diseases represent a large and heterogeneous group of disorders of varying severity, with a high impact on the development and quality of life of patients and families. This is the starting point of the Mariani Foundation's course on rare neuropediatric diseases, a course that in its first edition, represents an opportunity for young neurologists, geneticists and paediatric neuropsychiatrists to keep abreast of the latest clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic developments. Among the speakers will be Professor Finocchiaro, who will address the issue of data protection in the field of scientific research in her talk "GDPR and privacy: how to get out of the maze without getting lost”.
24 October 2024
How GDPR and AI interact? It is a critical question, because artificial intelligence is based on data. Data, both personal and non-personal, are the resource on which the digital economy is based, and personal data are at the same time the subject of the right to personal data protection, recognised by Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Professor Finocchiaro addressed the issue during the GDPR DAY, the national conference dedicated to data protection.
“Dall’invisibile al visibile: verso pratiche epidemiologiche inclusive”- Autumn Conference of the Italian Association of Epidemiology
16 October, 12:00 AM
How to reconcile data protection and the challenge of developing inclusive epidemiological practices? Professor Finocchiaro will take part in the autumn conference of the young group of the Italian Association of Epidemiology "Dall’invisibile al visibile: verso pratiche epidemiologiche inclusive", on 16 October, in Rome, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
“Giustizia artificiale. Quali regole?” – Smart Life Festival Modena
27 September 2024, 6:00 PM
What are the applications of artificial intelligence in the field of justice? And above all, what are the rules and paradigms of reference? Professor Finocchiaro will explore these issues, based on her latest book “Intelligenza artificiale. Quali regole?”, at the Smart Life Festival, in Modena, on 27 September.