“Corso di aggiornamento sulle malattie neuropediatriche rare”. Course – Fondazione Mariani
25 October 2024
Rare neuropediatric diseases represent a large and heterogeneous group of disorders of varying severity, with a high impact on the development and quality of life of patients and families. This is the starting point of the Mariani Foundation's course on rare neuropediatric diseases, a course that in its first edition, represents an opportunity for young neurologists, geneticists and paediatric neuropsychiatrists to keep abreast of the latest clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic developments. Among the speakers will be Professor Finocchiaro, who will address the issue of data protection in the field of scientific research in her talk "GDPR and privacy: how to get out of the maze without getting lost”.
24 October 2024
How GDPR and AI interact? It is a critical question, because artificial intelligence is based on data. Data, both personal and non-personal, are the resource on which the digital economy is based, and personal data are at the same time the subject of the right to personal data protection, recognised by Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Professor Finocchiaro addressed the issue during the GDPR DAY, the national conference dedicated to data protection.
“Dall’invisibile al visibile: verso pratiche epidemiologiche inclusive”- Autumn Conference of the Italian Association of Epidemiology
16 October, 12:00 AM
How to reconcile data protection and the challenge of developing inclusive epidemiological practices? Professor Finocchiaro will take part in the autumn conference of the young group of the Italian Association of Epidemiology "Dall’invisibile al visibile: verso pratiche epidemiologiche inclusive", on 16 October, in Rome, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
“Giustizia artificiale. Quali regole?” – Smart Life Festival Modena
27 September 2024, 6:00 PM
What are the applications of artificial intelligence in the field of justice? And above all, what are the rules and paradigms of reference? Professor Finocchiaro will explore these issues, based on her latest book “Intelligenza artificiale. Quali regole?”, at the Smart Life Festival, in Modena, on 27 September.
“L’intelligenza artificiale nel quadro del diritto UE e suo coordinamento con le discipline nazionali” – International Conference
21 September 2024, 09:30 AM
On September 21, Professor Finocchiaro will join the international conference on AI "L’intelligenza artificiale nel quadro del diritto UE e suo coordinamento con le discipline nazionali”. Professor Finocchiaro’s speech, focused on AI and risk-based regulation, will open the third session of the conference, chaired by Professor Guido Alpa.
“Neuromarketing e altri problemi del consenso online” – The Conference closing the first year of the Jean Monnet Module “DIGI_DATA yes”
20 September 2024, 5:30 PM
On September 20, Professor Finocchiaro will hold the conclusive remarks of the conference closing the first year of the Jean Monnet Module “DIGI_DATA yes”, a project developed by the University of Firenze School of Law to study the most topical issues of personal data protection and consumer law in the digital environment. Professor Finocchiaro’s remarks will close the conference, which is focused on the issues relating to online consent.