German-Italian Dialogue on Smart Algorithms, Trust and (the Diffusion of) Power

2nd December, 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the conference "German-Italian Dialogue on Smart Algorithms, Trust and (the Diffusion of) Power”, held by Università di Bologna, the Research Centre “Normative Orders”, the Goethe University and the Research Initiative “ConTrust: Trust in Conflict”. Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the second part of the conference, chaired by Professor Christoph Burchard and focused on "Reflections on Key Practical Implications of Smart Algorithms on Legal Orders”.

Online event “Conversazioni e riflessioni su…intelligenza artificiale: dalle leggi della robotica di Asimov alle proposte della Commissione europea”

2nd December, 5:00 PM 

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will be a protagonist of the next event of the series “Conversazioni e riflessioni su…”. During the event, introduced by Professor Carlo Bottari, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will discuss the issue of artificial intelligence from the Asimov's laws of robotics to the proposals of the European Commission.

Seminar “A.I. e piattaforme. Le mediazioni regolatorie”

1st December, 3:00-5:00 PM

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the seminar “A.I. e piattaforme. Le mediazioni regolatorie”, the ninth seminar of the series of lectures “Intelligenza Artificiale e Diritto”, coordinated by Professor Ugo Ruffolo. The seminars aim to introduce the logic and analyze specific issues on artificial intelligence and legal mediation. On December 1st, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will discuss the issue of artificial intelligence and platforms together with Ginevra Cerrina Feroni, Full Professor of Diritto Costituzionale at Università di Firenze and Vicepresident of the Italian Data Protection Authority, Raffaele Pastore, General Director of UPA – Utenti Pubblicità Associati, Pietro Manzini, Full Professor of Diritto dell’Unione Europea at Università di Bologna, and Mariateresa Maggiolino, Associate Professor of Diritto Commerciale and Director of the Law School at Università Bocconi di Milano.

New UNCITRAL working session on digital identity and trust services

On November 22, the 62nd session of the Working Group IV on Electronic Commerce of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) began. The session is chaired by Professor Giusella Finnochiaro, Chairwoman of the Working Group. 
The Working Group will focus on the issue of digital identity and, in particular, on the "Draft Provisions on the Use and Cross-border Recognition of Identity Management (IdM) and Trust Services”, which will enable the international use and recognition of digital identity and trust services. 

Conference “La via europea per l’intelligenza artificiale”

25th-26th November

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the conference “La via europea per l’intelligenza artificiale”, held by the Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the second session of the Conference, focused on the proposal for a Regulation on artificial intelligence presented by the European Commission. In particular, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will discuss the issue of the risk management model adopted in the proposal.

7th Diritti Comparati annual Congress “La garanzia dei diritti fondamentali oltre le Corti”

19th November, 2:30-7:00 PM

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the 7th Diritti Comparati annual Congress "La garanzia dei diritti fondamentali oltre le Corti”, held in partership with the Law School of the Università degli Studi di Perugia. Professor Giusella Finocchiaro wil discuss the issues related to fundamental rights online during the first session of the important congress, focused on "issues and problems" and chaired by Professor Alessandra Di Martino of Università Sapienza. The congress will be held virtually on Zoom.