Workshop Optime “Smart contract e blockchain. Disciplina, profili contrattuali e applicazioni pratiche”

25th February, 09:00 AM - 13:30 PM

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join, together with Professor Alessandro Amoroso, the training event on smart contract and blockchain held by Optime, a Paradigma brand, leader in the field of continuing education for managers of industrial, financial and insurance companies and public administration. The main goal of the event is to offer the attendees a detailed framework on blockchain and smart contracts. Professor Finocchiaro will illustrate the legal framework on smart contracts, addressing the open issues with regard to the protection of personal data.

Webinar “Il trattamento dei dati personali in ambito sanitario”

17th February, 4:00-6:00 PM

Professor Finocchiaro will join the second seminar of the series of lectures on data protection held by Centro Studi Borgogna, an Association that works to promote the legal culture. The event will focus on the processing of personal data in the health field and Professor Finocchiaro will present a speech on legal basis for processing.

Digitalizzazione dei processi della P.A. e della tutela della privacy nell’ambito della transizione digitale

4th February, 2:00 - 5:00 PM

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the training course “Next Generation P.A.”, held by the Comune di Trieste, the Università degli Studi di Trieste and the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. The training course aims to analyze the issues linked to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, focusing on the current regulatory framework and the planned reforms. Professor Finocchiaro’s lecture will be focused on the issue of the digitalization of Public Administration’s procedures and of personal data protection within the digital transition.

Workshop Optime “Firme elettroniche, identificazione a distanza e documento informatico. Confronto con la Prof.ssa Giusella Finocchiaro”

25th January, 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will teach the online workshop "Firme elettroniche, identificazione a distanza e documento informatico”. The event is held by Optime, a Paradigma brand, leader in the field of continuing education for managers of industrial, financial and insurance companies and public administration. The main goal of the event is to offer the attendees a detailed framework on electronic signatures, electronic identification and electronic documents with an operational approach.

“La trasformazione digitale e la protezione dei dati personali”. Seminar to present the volume “Codice della privacy e data protection”

14th December, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM  

On December 14th Professor Giusella Finocchiaro, Professor Oreste Pollicino and Professor Giorgio Resta will present their new volume “Codice della privacy e data protection” in the Aula Magna of the Law School of the Università Roma Tre. Together with them, several eminent speakers, such as Professor Carmelita Camardi of Università di Venezia, Francesco Maria Cirillo from the Suprema Corte di Cassazione, Vincenzo Neri from the Consiglio di Stato and the President of the Data Protection Authority, Professor Pasquale Stanzione. During the seminar, introduced by Professor Antonio Carratta, Director of the Law School of Università Roma Tre, and by Professor Carlo Colapietro, Director of the Master “Responsabile della protezione dei dati personali”, the issues related to the digital transformation and the protection of personal data will be discussed.

Conference “Come la disinformazione minaccia la democrazia. Il mercato delle verità?”

13th December, 10:00 AM 

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the seminar held by the Law School and the LL.M. in Law of Internet Technology of the Università Bocconi "Come la disinformazione minaccia la democrazia. Il mercato delle verità?”, during which the volume of Antonio Nicita, former commissioner of the Italian Telecoms, Media and Postal Regulatory Authority (AGCOM) and professor of economic policy at the Università LUMSA, will be presented. Oreste Pollicino, Marco Bassini, Pietro Sirena of the Università Bocconi, Gabriele Caparezza Figlia of the Università LUMSA, Dianora Poletti of the Università di Pisa, Giulio Enea Vigevani of the Università di Milano-Bicocca and Mariateresa Maggiolino and Michele Polo of the Università Bocconi will also join the event. The author will close the discussion.