CyberSecurity 360 Summit “Privacy e cybersecurity 2022: quali priorità e rischi per aziende e PA”

25 May 2022, 2:30 – 6:30 PM

Prof. Avv. Giusella Finocchiaro will attend the new edition of the CyberSecurity 360 Summit dedicated to “Privacy e cybersecurity 2022: quali priorità e rischi per aziende e PA”. The Professor will join the Roundtable moderated by Avv. Anna Cataleta, Senior Partner at P4I, during which topics related to information protection in the cloud will be analyzed.  The event is organized by Digital Agenda and CyberSecurity 360 and will be streamed live on May 25.

Conference “Il ruolo del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali: la tutela di un diritto fondamentale tra sfide passate e scommesse per il futuro”

24 May 2022, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the Opening Conference of the Celebrations for the 25 years of the Italian Data Protection Authority titled “Il ruolo del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali: la tutela di un diritto fondamentale tra sfide passate e scommesse per il futuro”, which will take place on May 24, 2022, at the Protomoteca Hall of the Capitol, in Rome. The Professor will speak in the second panel of the day under the title “Verso una digitalizzazione a prova di data protection”, chaired by former President of the Italian DPA, Antonello Soro, during which will offer an overview of the issues related to health and personal data protection.

Conference “Piattaforme cooperative: visioni, imprese e politiche per lo sviluppo”

13 May 2022, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will join the Conference “Cooperative platforms: visions, enterprises and policies for development” promoted by Legacoop Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione Centro Studi Doc, AlmaVicoo, Rete Doc, in collaboration with Coopfond, Innovacoop Nodo territoriale PICO, Fondazione Barberini. The Professor will participate in one of the three panels that, under the moderation of Chiara Chiappa, President of Fondazione Centro Studi Doc, is dedicated to the topic of development policies for cooperative platforms.

Webinar “Trattamento dei dati personali e documenti amministrativi: le frontiere della discrezionalità”

29th April 2022, 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM

On April 29th, Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the Conference "Trattamento dei dati personali e documenti amministrativi: le frontiere della discrezionalità", organized by the Italian Association of Professors of Administrative Law (AIDPA), at the University "La Sapienza" Rome, Department of Legal Sciences. The Professor will join the discussion on the general framework of the issue under examination.

Conference on digital platforms and global law

29th April 2022, 9 AM – 5:30 PM

On April 29th, Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will join the ‘Conference on digital platforms and global law’ organized by UNIDROIT, in collaboration with the University of Roma Tre and the European Law Institute, at Villa Aldobrandini, Rome. The Professor will take part to the second session of the day, moderated by Prof. Veneziano, Deputy Secretary General of UNIDROIT, on the theme “Platforms for (International) trade, exchanges, and dispute resolution”.

Webinar “Servizi cloud, protezione dei dati personali e sicurezza”

28th April 2022, 3-6 PM

On April 28, Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the webinar “Cloud services, data protection and security” organized by Assonime, Associazione fra le Società Italiane per Azioni, for the presentation of the book “Codice della privacy e data protection” edited by D'Orazio, Finocchiaro, Pollicino, Resta, recently published by Giuffrè. The webinar aims to update the latest developments in cloud computing. Professor Finocchiaro will focus on the data protection aspects, also considering the contractual complexities.