Conference “The New Atlas of Digital Art”

23-25 June 2022

Prof. Avv. Giusella Finocchiaro will intervene in the initiative “The New Atlas of Digital Art” organized by the MEET Center, in collaboration with the National Museum of Digital Art (MAD) recently established by the Ministry of Culture, and to be held on June 23, 24 and 25 in Milan, Viale Vittorio Veneto.

The very rich program involves participants on three thematic tables that will address key issues, such as the relationship between art, science and technology, the digital art market experimenting with NFT and Blockchain new cultural and economic models.
The Professor will join a thematic panel entitled “New cultural and economic models in art – NFT and digital art market”, which will be coordinated by Ilaria Bonacossa, art historian and Director of the Museum of Digital Art.

Access to the plenaries is free, after registering