Advisory services

The Finocchiaro Law Firm provides legal assistance and advisory services through extra-judicial activities aimed at facilitating and solving critical issues in the clients’ area of interest. Our legal assistance also includes the drafting of pro-veritate opinions, legal notes, contracts, policies and models.

Judicial assistance

In its areas of expertise, the Finocchiaro Law Firm assists its clients in court proceedings, before the Italian Data Protection Authority, before the Italian Antitrust Authority (AGCM), before the Italian Communication Authority (AGCOM), before other administrative authorities and in Italian and international arbitration proceedings.

Training courses

The consolidated experience in the most ground-breaking areas of law also allows the Finocchiaro Law Firm to assist private companies and public administrations through specific training and follow-up courses, tailored to each client’s requirements.

Artificial Intelligence

As one of the first to address the legal issues raised by artificial intelligence, our Firm assists companies and organisations in the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence Act.
We advise our Clients on every aspect related to the drafting of policies, contracts or guidelines and provide specific training courses, supporting them in facing all the challenges and seizing all the opportunities brought about by AI.

Data protection and personality rights

Thanks to high expertise and over twenty years of experience in data protection, we advise our clients on any aspect related to data protection, from compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation to the development of particular projects involving the processing of personal data.
Our legal assistance stands out for our diversified know-how, which we detail according to our clients’ business area, ensuring a tailor-made consultancy.
In addition, we regularly advise our clients on reputation protection and personality rights, also assisting them in litigations arising out of breaches committed online or through the press.

Contract law

We advise our clients on every aspect related to the drafting and the revision of contractual agreements, assisting them throughout the negotiation phase with counterparties and during litigation.
We provide legal consulting on the digitalisation of processes and the dematerialisation of contracts, assisting our clients in developing electronic signatures solutions.

Dematerialisation, electronic signatures and digital storage

We are highly specialized in dematerialisation and digitalisation.
Our legal assistance includes the design of electronic signatures and digital storage solutions, the consulting on distance services and digital identity, and the development of digitalisation plans.
We support digital transformation looking for efficient and innovative solutions, with great attention to applicable law.


We advise our clients on designing e-commerce websites and apps, enabling them to operate in compliance with applicable law and assisting them in drafting and revising agreements and policies.
We provide legal assistance with the legislation on consumer and Internet user protection, the Italian Legislative Decree no. 70/2003 (“Codice del Consumo”), and any applicable law.

Media and audio-visual services

We provide legal assistance about media and audio-visual services, with great attention to protecting copyrighted materials and compliance with relevant law.
Our highly expert professionals help our clients be compliant with the legislation on audio-visual media services and the legal obligations concerning the provision of video-sharing platform services. Thanks to a consolidated experience in the field of research, we are constantly updated on both legislative (TUSMA) and regulatory (AGCOM decisions and regulations) developments, being able to provide specialised and progressive legal assistance.
We also follow with great attention the developments at the European Union level, where the most critical reforms in the field are introduced.
We also provide legal assistance regarding potential sanctions procedures and content management and moderation by digital platforms.

Protection of intellectual and industrial property and competition law

We provide complete legal assistance related to intellectual and industrial property through strategic consulting on creative works, industrial inventions, trademarks, domain names, and corporate secrets.
Thanks to our highly consolidated experience, we also advise our clients on the protection of software and databases, supporting them developing the most innovative projects.
Our core business includes negotiating, drafting, and revising agreements, and we also assist our clients in court and arbitration proceedings.
We offer a significantly qualified consultancy on competition law, from analysing competition profiles based on the market position of undertakings to the judicial and extra-judicial assistance about unfair competition.


We provide legal assistance to major utility sector companies, helping them develop innovative projects and digital transformation.
Our legal assistance includes the design of electronic signatures solutions, the structuring of marketing and telemarketing operations, and the development of customer satisfaction projects, always in compliance with applicable law. Thanks to our high expertise, we also assess any aspect concerning data protection.
In addition, we continuously assist our clients in court proceedings and before administrative authorities.

Healthcare and scientific research

We advise essential healthcare and scientific research institutes on the Italian scene, assisting them in international projects and developing digital solutions.
We offer our clients a by design approach for any aspect related to health services.
We support scientific progress, enabling our clients to adopt advanced clinical solutions and dematerialised clinical instruments in compliance with data protection law.

Banking and finance

We provide legal consultancy on analogue and digital processes, assisting our clients drafting and revising agreements and policies, in compliance with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism legislation and any other applicable law. We enable our clients to simplify their procedures and optimise the user experience through our consultancy.
We support our clients in digitalizing processes and the dematerialization of contracts, helping them develop electronic signatures solutions and operate according to the legislation on payment services.
In addition, we assist our clients in court proceedings and before administrative authorities.

Corporate criminal responsibility

We assist our clients in drafting and implementing organisational and management policies according to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 (“231 Models”).
We also provide legal consultancy on the risks associated with potential offenses.
In addition to continuous support in the compliance with legal requirements and in the design and the implementation of organizational models, we also assist our clients in court proceedings.

Digital innovation projects under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Digital innovation is one of the critical pillars of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Thanks to our consolidated experience in new technologies and our diversified know-how, we advise our clients on designing and developing innovative projects, enabling them to grab all the great opportunities the Plan offers.


We provide highly qualified assistance with cybersecurity matters, advising our clients on drafting and revising policies and best practices per applicable law and ensuring business continuity and enterprise resilience.

Start-up and Venture capital

We advise our clients on developing and financing innovative entrepreneurial projects, providing new entrepreneurs a highly qualified legal assistance throughout the full realisation and implementation of projects. Thanks to our well-established network and cross-sector approach, we also assist in the fundraising process and in the protection of any innovative project.

Digital sustainability

Digital technologies and infrastructures create negative externalities. We support digital sustainability helping our clients develop and implement projects to limit such externalities.

Legal management

Thanks to our consolidated experience, we provide strategic consulting on managing processes and resources, facilitating our clients optimization of the legal services delivery and high-quality design systems.